144MHz AFS 2010 Results

January 8th, 2011 | by M0VFC |

On 3rd December 2010, the Camb-Hams made their first serious entry in the RSGB 144MHz AFS contest. The previous year, I made a total of 10 QSOs as M0VFC – something I aimed to beat in 2010!

The results are now out, and we certainly managed to do that: the “Camb-Hams A” team achieved a stunning 3rd place in the AFS table (of 36 teams entering), and G3PYE/P, operated by Gavin, M1BXF and Colin, G8TMV, came 2nd in the Open section in the individual results – superb effort, guys!

Our other stations managed equally impressive results: G4ERO (ops: G4ERO, M0LCM) 9th in Open, G0DDX 13th in Open (ops: G0DDX, G4NBS), M0VFC 16th in Single-op Fixed, and G6UW (ops: G3ZAY, G7VJR, M0BLF) 15th in open completing the “A” team, but there were a further 10 Camb-Hams entries appearing in the results, so well done to all.

The AFS Super-League continues with the 80m CW leg tomorrow, Sunday 9th January, so dust off your keys, and see you then.


Rob, M0VFC


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