AFS Super League Certificate

Tuesday, April 19th, 2011

We’ve just received our certificates for the AFS Super League result – well done again to all those involved!

AFS Super League: Final Results!

Friday, March 25th, 2011

Last October, the RSGB announced the creation of the new Affiliated Societies "Super League": the combination of the results in the four AFS contests starting with 2m in December, then two 80m (CW and SSB) events in January, and finally 70cm in February. It sounded like fun, so a few of ...

AFS Super League update

Sunday, February 20th, 2011

In 2010, the RSGB introduced a new contest series: the AFS "Super League", combining the results of the 2m, 70cm, 80m CW and 80m SSB AFS events. The Camb-Hams have joined forces with the Cambridge University Wireless Society, and after an excellent result in the 2m AFS (with our "A" ...


Monday, January 17th, 2011

The camb-hams put a 4 station entry (team A) in for the 80m SSB RSGB AFS on Saturday... Thanks to G3PYE (Ops M0TOC & M0VFC), G6UW (Op M0BLF), G3ZAY and M1BXF (Ops M1BXF & G8TMV) for operating and also to Michael G7VJR for the loan of equipment.  It was great ...

HF SSB Field Day + 144MHz Trophy

Saturday, September 4th, 2010

We were active in the SSB field day and 144MHz Trophy contest over the weekend of September 4th and 5th 2010.  in the 144MHz Trophy G3PYE/P came 7th out of 12 entries in the "Open" section, and 10th of 75 entries overall. We were also the best placed single antenna ...